Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dick in a Box VS. Great Moments In Hook Up History

In the blue corner ... wearing purple yellow and red peacock designed trunks weighing in at 12 Billion annual revenue ... we have the heavy hitting NBC backed SNL skit featuring 2389023 Grammy winner Justin "gay but not admitting it" Timberlake and Andy "wish I was Adam Sandler" Sandberg.

And in the red corner.... wearing the FU shorts weighing in at 600 Million annual revenue we have the raucous gnarly do anything for a buck used to be Comedy Central backed Dave Chappelle show.

Round 1 - watch the videos. Go ahead, I'll wait. They're hilarious.

Round 2 - which came first, the box or the popcorn? Is one a rip off of another?

If so - who would do such a thing? Or are they creative genius that are completely separate and distinct?

To use the parlance of Jack White, I think I smell a rat!

Here are the best facts that a 5 minute Google search can find: The SNL episode aired December 16, 2006. The Chappelle Show episode aired Wednesday March 12, 2003. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ I wonder where SNL got their idea????? But wait you say, there are no new ideas. So that means that someone else put their junk in a box first. Who would that be? Prove it.

For now I'm saying SNL ripped of Dave Chappelle and they need to give credit where credit is due.

1 comment:

Jennifer Keller said...

Funny! And the principality of it is: Did Chapelle decided to do it first or someone else?